WAXworks April 16th


DON’T MAKE ME LAUGH is an evening disrupting interiors and identities. An evening that begins and runs wild. It is a piece about the passing of time, limitations, vulnerability, and everything crossing the path behind and in front of us. It is a lost and found of characters we carry and narratives we tell. It is a story told in repetition and told with a radical sense of honesty and a sardonic sense of humor.

Performing a work in progress and process of the vignettes of character and narrative sketches I did throughout the pandemic and continued after. It is also a piece  is also about being floored because there is often a lack of space to perform and rehearse aerial. It brings me back to my roots of dance and to explore the floor concepts of some longer length aerial work.

tixs: https://www.williamsburgartnexus.org/showcases/20230416
April 16th, Sunday

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